We are quick to blame god or question god when we are hit with misfortunes. We do not necessarily thank god when we have fortunes. God is seen as this omnipotent being who is separate from us and it’s role is seen as one of a benevolent master that should make life smooth and easy for us. When things don’t go our way then we question the existence of such a god for having abandoned us in the times of misfortune.

If God is not the benevolent master, then what else is it? God is in the expression of life and god is the base essence of life. It is the highest level of consciousness.  If we see ourselves as separate from it and hence, we need our lives to go in a direction that suits our desires and wishes, there is friction as life unfolds in different ways as if by chance . The friction is against the flow of life . It’s not fate that we resist when we try to control the events of our life. We resist the infinite possibilities that lie ahead, that help us grow and flourish. The growth that I am referring to is that of a soul or an inner spirit and not of the worldly measure of success such as wealth, fame etc

Everything that happens in our life can be an opportunity and invitation to let go of the limited identity of ego ( I am so and so with such and such qualities and such and such a story) and step into the magnificence of unfolding of life through us, to express itself as it wants to, like an artist painting on an empty canvas with myriad of colours. Who are we in that ? Are we the canvas or the artist or the art? Can they exist without each other? Can there be an artist if she didn’t create the art? Can there be art without the artist? Will you call a canvas a canvas if there were no art? What if we saw life as a simultaneous coming into – of the canvas, of the art and the artist, as if there is no separation between them and they are a conjoined expression of life that a human brain perceives and calls as art?

To see life without separation , how does one let go of the limited identity of self that is the cause of separation? We can stop the resistance created by trying to control the outcome of everything that happens in life, by abandoning control. Stop blaming others or an unknown god for miseries. Stop waiting for a miracle or a rescue. Open up to the invitation to be in tune with the flow of life by understanding what is holding us back in being whole and complete. To understand that, we have to surrender and let go. Surrender is not about putting yourself in a front of truck if you see one headed your way. It is about accepting that life is a mixed bag of events.  How lucky are we to wake up everyday with a new day and a new opportunity to live and learn from. Exploring and playing in tune with that which is waiting to burst out of us as an expression of life , that which brings the world alive and fills it with joy reduces separation. It shows up through you in your actions, words and thoughts. When you make the words, actions, thoughts not about you and  you allow for those to burst out like the sun shining through the clouds, you start to let go of your identity.

I have met two people in my life who I have always thought of as children of  god or the universe for their simple presence that is tuned into life. It’s not to say that the rest are not the children or the expression of  god or the universe. It doesn’t mean that these two individuals are enlightened beings. Far form it, they are like you and me. However, they possess a pristine mind that makes them act like it’s never about them, but about what they bring to the world. They are both very good at what they do and touch anyone who comes across them positively. They have what one calls inner charisma of the soul. It could be that they were lucky to be born and raised in circumstances that made them to be who they are or that they carry some “good karma”  or that life chose them to express that purity of mind. Whatever the case maybe, they are role modelling what it is to be like when we don’t resist what life expresses through us.  I am sure you can find that in your life and in yourself. The question is not about if you should start to find that in yourself, it is really about when. When do you want to start to eventually step into life’s magnificent joy expressed through you and get out of your way?

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