
Purpose-driven organizations place a higher purpose at the center of their operations. While making a profit is still important, it does not become the sole focus of the organization. Instead, the organization is driven by a deeper sense of meaning and purpose, which inspires and motivates employees, customers, and other stakeholders.

Purpose-driven organizations are fit for the future because they are resilient, adaptable, and able to navigate the complexities of a rapidly changing business environment. They are innovative, constantly seeking new ways to create value for their stakeholders, and have a collaborative culture that fosters creativity and innovation.

In a purpose-driven organization, all employees are aligned with the organization’s higher purpose, and they work together towards a common goal. This creates a sense of community and belonging, which leads to higher levels of engagement, commitment, and job satisfaction.

Purpose-driven organizations have a positive impact on society and the environment, making a difference beyond their immediate business operations. They are committed to creating value for all stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, and the wider community.

Semco Style Overview

What Our Clients Say

Magnus Hellring
- Director
I have worked tightly with Sahana in definition, anchoring and execution of Target Image and lean practice for my global IT unit consisting of some 400 professionals on 5 sites spanning Apac, Emea and Americas. Sahana is a great coach and source of inspiration. Her communication is clear and straight forward and she never hesitates to challenge status quo pushing and guiding both myself and my management team forward in our ambitions to deliver the best possible service for customers and business colleagues. Moreover she is very supporting and helpful when transforming strategic plans into tangible and stretched activities.

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