Are you a leader who values personal growth and wants to take your career to the next level? As an executive coach, I work with individuals like you to unlock your full potential and achieve success in all areas of your life.

Whether you’re a corporate professional aiming to improve your performance, a business owner seeking to enhance your leadership skills, or someone looking to make a career change, my coaching services can help you achieve your goals and reach your full potential. Imagine a world where everyone had a personal coach to guide them through life’s challenges and help them achieve their dreams. That’s the world I aspire to create, where individuals like you have the support and guidance you need to succeed.

If you’re ready to invest in your personal and professional development, I invite you to schedule a complimentary consultation today. Together, we’ll develop a customized plan of action tailored to your unique needs, helping you unlock your full potential and achieve the success you deserve.

Coaching Helps In

Leadership skills to inspire other icon
Leadership skills to inspire other icon

Leadership skills
to inspire other

at work

Team management
to mature as a leader

Emotional intelligence
to understand and manage own emotions & of others

to boost confidence

Overcome fears
to tap into your true potential

to connect

to live a fuller life



Live a Purpose Driven Life

Be the leader you admire

Build Inner Resilience

She Shakti

As your executive coach, I prioritize your needs and goals by allowing you to set the agenda for our coaching sessions. With my consistent support and positive regard, I act as your cheerleader and guide, helping you unlock your full potential and achieve success in all areas of your life.

It’s important to note that coaching differs from counselling or therapy. While therapy may focus on the past to help clients overcome emotional or psychological problems, coaching is future oriented and centers on setting and achieving goals. As your coach, I focus on the present and future, helping you take actionable steps to move towards the future you desire.


Business Owners | Vice Presidents | Directors | Senior Managers | Team Managers | HR Heads | Entrepreneurs | High Potential Individual

11 years

of Consulting and Coaching experience

  • Professional Certified Coach from International Coach Federation
  • EMCC Global Team Coaching Practitioner
  • Semco Style Master Consultant
  • 1000 hours of coaching experience, providing 1-1 coaching since 2016
  • Clients span the globe, with 60% based in Singapore, Australia, Japan, Korea, Sweden, France, Germany, USA, and China
  • Trained in Yoga, Psychology, Neuroscience, Vedanta
  • 16 years in global corporations, including the Volvo Group
  • Exemplifies living a value based, purpose driven, sustainable life

What Our Clients Say

Akhila Pai
- Senior Director

When life gives you lemons, do you know how to make lemonade?

This is the time when having a friend really matters – someone who holds space for you, listens without judging, brings in new perspectives and expands your understanding of yourself and the world around you.

Most likely, we will not have one friend who can do all this for us. That’s where a coach comes in.

I can vouch for the immense clarity the coaching process & Sahana has brought to me.

I truly experienced “being understood”. Being heard & understood is a feeling like no other, it makes you feel the issue at hand is solve-able! Sahana not only created this non-judgemental, empathetic space in every conversation, she also taught me how to do it in my own conversations!

Coaching is where the person getting coached does the work & finds the answers with help of the perspectives of the coach. Every session with Sahana was a lot of work as I tried to deeply understand my problem, work my approach & try out different things.

Sahana is unique in that she brings in perspectives from yoga, corporate experience as well as her own life experiences to make the coaching journey insightful.

As I work through my situation, I am grateful to have Sahana as a coach & a friend and am happy I took up this coaching process!

Sameer Shisodia
I was initially hesitant about the idea of coaching, and unsure of what to expect. Sahana addressed this right upfront, and helped me think through and define certain goals for the sessions. The sessions have brought a lot of self-awareness of my own reactions and thoughts to situations, and clarity in evaluating a path ahead from them. Totally recommend going through coaching for anyone in a fairly involved decision making role, and completely recommend her as a coach for the same.
Nikhilesh Jha
- Product Manager

I would highly recommend working with Sahana.

I had reached out to Sahana to make a career transition and reach greater heights in my role. With Sahana’s coaching, I was able to achieve both and much more.

Sahana has a very professional, positive and structured approach. Her coaching is highly relevant. If you are on the fence I would recommend reaching out to her for an initial conversation.

Vivek Bharathi
- Product Marketing manager

What I really like about working with Sahana is her ability to actively listen without judgement and personalize her program to meet my specific needs. She also helped me identity my personal biases and defaults, craft strategies to correct limiting behaviors, and become more situationally aware.

I am already reaping rich dividends from this program. Even my family members, friends and peers notice the better version I have become. AntarYan offers team and organizational coaching in addition to executive coaching. I highly recommend you to connect with Sahana Ravindranath and learn about her programs if you are serious about your growth.

Sanket Patil
- VP

When I chanced upon Sahana, I was undergoing a particularly bad phase of stress, anxiety, poor sleep, and a lack of focus. I constantly kept thinking: “This can’t be it. There has to be more!” The first time I spoke to Sahana before our engagement started, I remember rambling along for a long time — and it felt good! I listened to her explain her approach and the process of coaching, and I thought “well, this sounds just about right.” I had never done anything of this sort before. I took a leap of faith.

I am not one to talk much, not unless I feel very comfortable. During our first couple of sessions, I remember telling Sahana that I hadn’t spoken as much as I had with her in a really long time. The very fact that someone is listening to you intently — someone you can trust, someone who is nonjudgemental about your inner demons — starts helping you. It’s a cathartic process. Sahana not only listens to you compassionately, from time to time she gently also points out any inconsistencies in your thought process. A lot of times we are so close to the problem that we fail to recognize (acknowledge, at any rate) our cognitive dissonances. Many a time when Sahana pointed out an inconsistency or asked a seemingly simple question, I have had to pause, think hard for long before answering it. The beauty of this is: these are often questions one asks oneself, but since it’s convenient one also skips addressing those. On the other hand, you have made a certain implicit commitment to your coach, which means you are “forced” to think hard and answer these questions, not for the coach’s sake, but your own sake. Often this clears up the muddle and brings clarity. Sahana has developed a very good skill of helping you find your own answers to the questions that have been bothering you.

Over the course of the last 6-7 months, I have had long discussions with Sahana on a variety of topics starting from sleep issues to managing stress to visualization techniques to helping people see my vision. I have worked on a number of interesting exercises (it is hard work, mind you! but worth your while) that have helped me in bringing a better balance in my day to day life, and a greater sense of purpose. She has given me several simple yet meaningful tools and tactics that I have been following. We are towards the end of our engagement and I can definitely say that I am emerging out of it with a lot more clarity and confidence. I am more relaxed and less self critical

Meghana Lad
- Business owner
Before I started working with Sahana, I had hit a major block on most fronts. The sessions with her have cleared the blocks within me, increased my self-awareness in situations which help me respond so much better now and put the focus on what “I” can do, which makes me feel more empowered than before. She has helped me reflect on what I genuinely want to achieve on the personal and professional front, and most importantly to start to resolve what seemed like an impasse.
Sahana’s guiding questions encouraged me to dig deep within and recognise areas where I needed to work on myself (and it takes work) as well as find solutions which reflected my personal values. Mid-way on this journey, during a couple of sessions I could not recognise or articulate my challenges accurately at the beginning of the session, but she worked with me till I could reach the true heart of the matter. The exercises done, and some simple and effective tools Sahana gave, have equipped me to create a road map for the way ahead and made a positive difference to my decision-making skills.
I highly recommend Sahana as a coach for the different perspectives and clarity she brings, her patient listening skills (one of the biggest pluses, we don’t know what it is to be heard out properly until we actually experience it) and most-importantly an open, non-judgemental space where one can express freely and begin working on the necessary.
Sunil Hande
- Senior manager software

I was going through particular stress, anxiety for many months. I tried a few things without seeing much progress and this made things even worse as I started to become more critical about myself. Accidently I came across Sahana as an executive coach who offers coaching to overcome what I was going through.  I was hesitant initially since I had tried a few things in the past without seeing progress but all my doubts went off when I first heard from Sahana about the program. Sahana made it very clear on what to expect. It was unique, had no ready-made templates and had a clear approach based on individual situations.

Sahana listens carefully, asks right questions without being judgmental, points out inconsistency in thoughts and mentions important observations. This helped me to discover more about myself in every session. Sahana also helped me to build specific methods to manage my situations. After 3-4 sessions I started to see a real difference and took some of the key decisions which I was hoping to execute for many months.

At the end of the program, I understood more of myself and developed methods on how “I” can manage what I am going through. This program has given me a direction on how to assess situations, build methods to overcome them.

I am glad that I chose Sahana as my coach that helped me to address and improve my emotional / mental wellbeing. I definitely recommend her for anyone out there looking for coaching.

Sandhya Siemens
- Team Leader

At a time when I was grappling with a lot of change, personally and professionally, Sahana’s coaching and mentoring sessions came like the lifeboat I needed. Not only have they helped me stay afloat, but also get a stronger sense of self – in terms of being aware and being confident of whatever strengths and challenges that it comes with.
Sahana is one of the the most empathetic people I know. Her skills as a coach and mentor, combined with her sense of compassion and non-judgement has enabled me to make strong, well-balanced leaps towards the kind of person I aspire to be, personally and professionally. Thank you, and I am so grateful for you, Sahana!

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